« Arkielämässäni käytän paljon kieliä joten on ollut mahtavaa saada sekoittaa eri kieliä vapaasti sanojen äänteiden mukaisesti. Tuloksena nämä hauskat ja suurrealistiset lauseet! Antoisa ja piristävä kokemus! »

Marta Kopinska

« In my everyday life I use many languages, so it was great to be able to mix different languages freely, following only the sound of each word. As a result, we created a bunch of crazy sentences. An absolutely cheerful experience! »

« El proyecto In Varietate Concordia ha sido, en mi caso, una experiencia de juego, descubrimiento y aprendizaje. Creo que el proyecto de Marga Berra Zubieta refleja de muchas formas distintas lo que me gustaría ver en Donostia 2016: intercambio cultural, aprendizaje de forma lúdica, y comunicación entre gente de diversos países. Los talleres han sido divertidos y a la vez intensos, entre otras cosas. He escuchado por primera vez palabras en idiomas totalmente nuevos para mí, como el wólof, el albanés o el finlandés. Una parte importante del proyecto ha sido conocer a gente muy diversa, con perfiles y vivencias diferentes y muy interesantes. En definitiva: una experiencia positiva al 100 %. ¡Espero que os guste el resultado! »

Cilla Pihlström "Xila"

« The In Varietate Concordia project has been, in my case, an experience of fun, discovery and learning. I think Marga Berra Zubieta’s project reflects in many different ways what I would like to see in San Sebastian 2016: cultural exchange, learning through fun and communication amongst people from different countries. The workshops have been fun while intense, among other things. I have heard words for the first time in languages that are totally new to me, such as Wolof, Albanian or Finnish. An important part of the project has been meeting very diverse people with different and very interesting profiles and experiences. In short: a 100% positive experience. I hope you like the result! »

« Mousse in French can mean both moss or shaving cream, one green the other white. The word is pronounced similarly to the name of that antlered animal in English, the moose, that abounds in the northern forests. The same sound will also signify a razor in Arabic. Marga's wonderful multi-lingual project gave me peculiar dreams: a razor wielding moose facing a hanging mirror in the middle of the woods. As the moose neatly shaved off lengths of the lathered fur around its mouth, equally proportioned patches of moss were stripped from the surrounding birches. »

Phillip Thompson

« Mousse in French can mean both moss or shaving cream, one green the other white. The word is pronounced similarly to the name of that antlered animal in English, the moose, that abounds in the northern forests. The same sound will also signify a razor in Arabic. Marga's wonderful multi-lingual project gave me peculiar dreams: a razor wielding moose facing a hanging mirror in the middle of the woods. As the moose neatly shaved off lengths of the lathered fur around its mouth, equally proportioned patches of moss were stripped from the surrounding birches. »

« Una enriquidora experiència que m’ha permès acostar-me a cultures i idiomes amb els que no havia tingut la oportunitat de tenir contacte. Agraïda i contenta d’haver aportat el meu gra de sorra a aquest conjunt de frases divertides inspirades en la connexió entre els nostres diferents idiomes nadius. Sens dubte repetiria. »

Idoia Garcia Santiró

« A rewarding experience that allowed me to approach cultures and languages that I had never had contact with. I am grateful and more than happy to have participated in creating these fun sentences that were inspired by connections between our different native languages. I would repeat the experience, without a doubt. »

« Që i vogël kam pasur një interes të veçantë rreth gjuhëve të huaja.Me kënaqësi kam qënë pjesë e këtij grupi që përfaqëson 11 gjuhë të ndryshme dhe shpresoj që rezultati përfundimtar të sjellë të qeshura në fytyrat e lexuesve. »

Aurel Ibo

« From a young age, I have had a special interest in languages. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this group that represents 11 different languages and I hope that the final result will put a smile on the reader's face. »

« Byla to skvělá příležitost vidět, jakým způsobem jsou naše jazyky propojeny. Podoba znění některých slov v zcela odlišných jazycích byla překvapující. Doufám, že i ostatní lidé si užijí výsledek našeho snažení a možná objeví i další spojitosti se svým mateřským jazykem. »

Lucie Maturova

« It was a great opportunity to see in which ways our languages are connected. The similarity in sounds of words from totally different languages was surprising. I hope that other people will enjoy the results of our efforts and might even discover other connections with their native languages. »

« .في ھذا المشروع، أتیحت لي فرصة لقاء الرفاق الجدید من الثقافات المختلفة
.وكان لافتا جدا وممتعة. أنا مسرور جدا لأننا تعلمنا كلمات جدیدة في لغات أخرى

وأخیرا، وقال انھ فوجئ بأن المشاركین وتحدث العدید من اللغات والأكثر یتحدثون لغة الباسك»

Mohamed Chekroune

« In this project, I had the opportunity to meet new colleagues from different cultures. It has been very interesting and fun. I’m very satisfied because we got to learn new words in other languages. I noticed that the participants spoke many languages and that most spoke Basque. »

« In Varietate Concordia proiektuan parte hartzea oso aberasgarria izan da; are gehiago, hain barneratuak nahiz ezezagun ditudan hizkuntzak nolabait fonetikoki konektatuak daudela antzematea. Aukeratutako guztien artean, zuhaitz familia handi bat osatu dugu eta ika-mika ibili gara hitz-joko eta poesia sortzen. »

Ane Ibarzabal

« Taking part in the In Varietate Concordia project has been very enriching; in particular,discovering how there is a certain phonetic connection between the languages that I have internalised and those that are unknown to me. With the chosen languages, we have formed a big family and have created wordplays and poetry. »

« Ce fut toute une joie de rencontrer d’autres étrangers bascophones comme moi ! Ensemble, nous formions des combinaisons de langues que je n’avais jamais imaginées, et j’ai été fasciné par le parcours et l’histoire de chacun et chacune. Aussi les homophones qui menaient par exemple d’un mot dans une langue comme le wolof à un mot au sens complètement différent en finnois ont jeté pour moi une nouvelle lumière sur les sons qu’on entend tous les jours et qu’on tient banalement pour acquis. L’expérience a été pour moi une révélation. »

Yannick Bédard

« For me, it has been an enormous pleasure to work with other foreign Basque-speakers like me. Together, we formed a series of linguistic combinations that I would never have imagined. I’m fascinated by the background and history of each one. Also by the homophones, words that, for example, had a completely different meaning in Wolof and Finnish. Examples like these have opened my eyes to the sounds that we hear every day and which we barely pay attention to. For me, the experience has been very gratifying. »

« Poszukiwanie podobieństw między tak różniącymi się od siebie językami bardzo mi się podobało. Staraliśmy się w pewien sposób zbudować między nimi fonetyczny pomost, poprzez podobne dźwięki i znaczenia. Doświadczenie to było dla mnie bardzo interesujące i wzbogacające, zarówno od strony profesjonalnej, jak i osobistej. Czasem słyszymy jakieś słowo w obcym języku i nagle zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że brzmi one znajomo, mimo tego, że ma ono zazwyczaj zupełnie inne znaczenie. Albański, wolof, fiński, arabski, francuski, angielski, hiszpański, kataloński, czeski, baskijski i polski, mój język ojczysty można czasem usłyszeć w Donostii, wśród ludzi z różnych stron świata, których miałam okazję poznać podczas tego warsztatu. »

Marta Kopinska

« What I liked the most in our workshop was the search for similarities among languages which are sometimes so different from each other. We tried to somehow build phonetic bridges between those languages, through similar sounds and meanings. The experience was really interesting and enriching for me, both professionally and personally. We would often hear a foreign word and, suddenly, we would realise that it sounds familiar, even if it probably has a totally different meaning from what it has in our language. Albanese, Wolof, Finnish, Arabic, French, English, Spanish, Catalan, Czech, Basque and Polish, my mother tongue, can be heard from time to time in San Sebastian among the people who came to live here and who gathered to take part in this workshop and who I had the chance to know here. »

« Ba may neke xale dama don degue lak bubary (Serer, Wolof, Francais, Fula...), ak yangeleen ci degue. Mo tah ñow ci diaye bi. Ñu boko halat ak wah. Mo tah begena ci bole bi ñuma bole. Dieredief, ba bennen yoon. »

Mamadou Sarr Diame

« Since childhood I have been surrounded by several languages (Serer, Wolof, French, Fula...), and I have learned to handle myself with each of them. For that reason, I thought participating in this initiative would be very interesting. We have shared many words and experiences. I am very grateful for having been invited to take part in this project. »